Three distinct magnet measuring systems are in use in our laboratory. Many leverage on the usage of Linux. AFS credentials are often lost after 24H. Log out and log back in or renew a token.
The Hall Probe (HP) Magnet Measuring Machine has
been in operation for more than 30 years and is used for field mapping of
all types of magnets. In 2017 a major upgrade took place with the introduction of a new
3D Hall probe developed at PSI - the Hallcube.
A modern Rotating Coil (RC) Measuring Machine
from CERN has been in operation sice 2009. It is efficient for determining the harmonic content
of multipole magnets and can, under certain circumstances, locate the magnetic axis as well.
In 2017, the old acquisition system based on integrators controlled by an obsolete SUN Linux worksation was replaced by
modern ADC units controlled by a more recent version of Labview running on Windows. This migration and its validation work were
performed in the context of the master thesis of Paola Lamarca. The User's manual (html) of the up-graded system is
available on the workstation used to control the benches.
The third system with the Single Stretched
Vibrating Wire (VW) is in operation since 2012. It is the main measurement method for determining the magnetic axis of quadrupoles. In 2015 the method was generalised to multipoles (both normal and skew).