For automatic and fast magnetic field measurements and data
collection on magnetic beam transport elements a computerized
high precision measuring machine is in operation.
For the mechanical part the measuring machine consists of a probe
positioning device sliding on compressed air bearings without
mechanical contact or hysteresis over a precisely flat machined
granite block. This machine can move the measuring probe - a Hall-
probe in general, but coil systems could be used as well - on
5 axes, 3 cartesian and 2 circular, by means of stepping motors,
i.e. it has 5 degrees of freedom.
The electrical part consists of position detecting and display
units, stepping motors ( with motor driving units ), and a computer system
with DVMs.
In general a Hall-probe serves as a magnetic field sensor, and in
this case a constant current source will be used.
A Hewlett-Packard computer system HP 1000 A-900 under the
operating system RTE-A controls the measurement process and takes
the data under real time conditions.
The measurements are performed in a so called flying mode.
The computer programs make use of position pulses, which are
transmitted every 10 microns by the position detecting system
( Inductosyn ) during the motion of the machine along the axis of
measurement, whose logical name is S-axis. These pulses act as
interrupt signals, which cause the main program to be interrupted and
the driver subroutine of the measuring system to be called. The
current position will be read and at the predetermined measurement
positions the DVM will be triggered, which in turn reads the Hall-
probe voltage and proceeds it back with another interrupt signal
to the computer.
The user may choose any three axis out of the five ones. But in
most cases field maps are measured in cartesian coordinates.
The computer drives the machine along the axis of measurement,
the S-axis, and takes the Hall-probe voltage at each measurement
position. These raw data are stored in an array in the internal
memory of the computer. At the end of the S-path the machine stops
and then the DVM values will undergo several error detecting
procedures, the appropriate values will be converted into the
magnetic induction values in Gauss units, and finally the values
will be transferred onto a data file. Then the machine has to go
into the next position of the second axis, the T-axis, where the
measurements along the next line will continue. When the fieldmap
has been finished in this position of the third axis, called the
U-axis, the user may proceed to the next U-position and then take
the next fieldmap. In this way magnetic field values can be
measured in a volume.
The position of the measuring machine in the cartesian axis
can be determined to an accuracy of total 0.01 mm .
The Hall-probes have been calibrated in a highly homogeneous
magnetic field against an NMR-probe. The calibration data,
Hall-probe voltage and magnetic induction, have been fitted
by a polynomial function whose degree has been chosen according
to the criterion of the root of minimum squares of error. Thus
an accuracy of the magnetic induction measurement of +- 1 Gauss
can be achieved.
To give an example of the speed of the fieldmapping: in average
the measuring time of a fieldmap containing 7'500 measurement
position takes about 20 min.
A new measuring machine control system is in operation
since 2002.