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Paul Scherrer Institut PSI Technical Support and Coordination - Magnet Section

Paul Scherrer Institute
CH-5232 Villigen PSI
Building WMHA / WBGA
Fax +41 (0)56 310 3717

E-Mail: vjeran.vrankovic@psi.ch

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Magnet Section

    Stéphane Sanfilippo   Section Leader   WBGA C22 / 4111
Heinz Jegge Design Office WBGA C25 / 4201
Vjeran Vranković Computational Design WBGA C25 / 3591
Marco Negrazus Magnet Projects WBGA C25 / 5156
Roland Deckardt Mechanic/Measurements WMHA B28 / 3590
Alexander Gabard Magnet Design WBGA C14 / 3577
Serguei Sidorov Design Office WBGA C25 / 3589
Philippe Lerch ITER Project WBGA C14 / 3231
Roland Felder Measurements WMHA C30 / 4207